Donations and OpenJK / Songbook Privacy Policy

There are several ways in which you can support development of OpenKJ, any donations are greatly appreciated.
Note that OpenKJ is not a federally recognized nonprofit, so any donations are not tax deductible.

Paypal/Credit Card

** OpenKJ and Songbook Privacy Policy

Who is the site/app owner?

OpenKJ apps are open-source, but any resulting discreet assets are owned by:

The Estate of Thomas Isaac Lightburn, c/o Terry Batson Larkins (Isaac’s mother), Charlotte TN, U.S.

What data is being collected?

1. web site:
We simply verify the user’s identity, via their Google account & Google API ID, if they’ve signed up for Songbook subscription service.
If they’ve made initial sign-up on “,” but do not have a Songbook subscription,
then we use their Google ID on “” web site at the time of login to verify they are an authenticated, prior user.

2. “OpenKJ Songbook” Android & iPhone apps: Currently, OpenKJ does not collect nor verify users of our Play Store or Apple Store apps;
but future versions of our apps will utilize their Google Sign-in ID in order to provide expanded features,
such as the customer’s retained “favorite song list.”

3. “OpenKJ Songbook Kiosk” – This is a passive app that does not collect any data; allows user to choose a song, in-person at the stage.

What is the Legal basis for the collection?

Verifying a user’s identity allows us to identify them as authorized to use OpenKJ applications;
and to provide in-app feature customizations, based on their subscription.

For which specific purposes are the data collected?

Verifying a user’s identity allows us to identify them as authorized to use OpenKJ applications;
and to provide in-app feature customizations, based on their subscription.
We share the user’s email address and unique API ID only with the in-app web-hook that communicates
with “,” in order to verify the user’s Songbook subscription and features;
and only if the user has agreed to subscribe. Chargebee then verifies their identity, regarding which services they’ve subscribed to,
and so that it recognizes their next visit.
OpenKJ respects the privacy of the site’s customers and users and does not sell user data.
Nor does OpenKJ share user data, other than the minimum needed to verify their specific features and subscriptions in our apps.

OpenKJ's 2 apps in Google Play store - Declaration of Use of Background Location Data

1. OpenKJ Songbook - This app does NOT intentionally use "background location," it uses "foregorund location"
while the app is active only to find a nearby Karaoke Venue; and does NOT personally identify the user (no login required)
Instead, your location, once you choose a Karoake Venue (location-name given by your local host),
the app stays in contact with the Karaoke Jockey's (KJ) host system on stage,
in order to keep track of songs you've submitted to sing, and your spot in singer rotation.

2. OpenKJ Songbook Kiosk - This app uses location services the same as those specified in the above paragraph